There used to be a daily crystal purchase, right? How much was it and how many crystals did it give? What if purchasing that sort of thing gave all the ad benefits without the ads (you are paying for premium content either with your wallet or your time). I'm not saying one ad gives all the daily crystals, you would watch several ads over the course of the day to receive the full amount (just like the free bronziums), but by purchasing the daily crystal pack, you don't have any ads to watch.
There are lots of ways to make video ads less of an imposition on paying players. That is just one way. And choice is still a choice. There are lots of people who gear characters that they like that are not meta characters solely because they like them. They are choosing a non-optimal path. That's their choice. If somebody doesn't want to watch ads, that is also their choice. They have decided that it's not worth it to them.
So long as the ads are totally optional (as opposed to popups), and perhaps if the paying customers were given an option to buy their way out of ads (and still receive the benefits), I don't see how having more options is bad.