Forum Discussion

AndyLonsdale's avatar
9 years ago

Wedge Antilles

Do you think Wedge shards will be introduced to either Cantina or Raids store at the end of the month, because, as it is, 30 shards for a toon that unlocks at 80 is as much use as a chocolate teapot
  • "Batman44gaming;592816" wrote:
    "AndyLonsdale;59824" wrote:
    Do you think Wedge shards will be introduced to either Cantina or Raids store at the end of the month, because, as it is, 30 shards for a toon that unlocks at 80 is as much use as a chocolate teapot

    Ok. by the use of that metaphor I can tell you're from the UK, and(even though I know what it means) I am afraid to tell you that that metaphor is pretty useless to us 'Muricans. Back on topic, he's probably going to galactic war shipments, as no characters have been added to it in some time.

    Well, i assume even 'Muricans can understand that hot tea will melt the chocolate teapot, thus making the teapot useless.
    OT: i can only hope wedge will be avialable in the GW store
  • "Batman44gaming;592830" wrote:
    "leef;592821" wrote:
    "Batman44gaming;592816" wrote:
    "AndyLonsdale;59824" wrote:
    Do you think Wedge shards will be introduced to either Cantina or Raids store at the end of the month, because, as it is, 30 shards for a toon that unlocks at 80 is as much use as a chocolate teapot

    Ok. by the use of that metaphor I can tell you're from the UK, and(even though I know what it means) I am afraid to tell you that that metaphor is pretty useless to us 'Muricans. Back on topic, he's probably going to galactic war shipments, as no characters have been added to it in some time.

    Well, i assume even 'Muricans can understand that hot tea will melt the chocolate teapot, thus making the teapot useless.
    OT: i can only hope wedge will be avialable in the GW store

    You'd be surprised, we don't really drink tea as much as you guys and when we do, it's iced :P

    You guys use teapots for icetea ? you muricans are just crazy:p
    i'm not british btw, but dutch, we do like our tea though.
  • The metaphor was on point. I'm p2p some months and some months I'm f2p regardless if they don't put wedge Character credits somewhere farmable it makes no sense to either type of player if you spent 1999 on their most popular crystal pack and got wedge credits not the actual character you still would not be close to geting the Character (close being within 10 character shards) I have been playing sense Jan. and in My Opinion this is the worse daily login rewards. This does not motivate me at all, last month I was sure everyday my hard battles were for Anakin shards so at the end of the month I can meet them half way for my Anakin and it worked out fine thanks for giving me half my Anakin shards. As far as wedge, even when I spend money idk that I want him even with the improvements.
  • Puting an aurodium exclusive on GW Shipment would be a huge slap in the face of paying customers, imagine the state of the forum...
  • Honestly, I highly doubt Wedge is going to be farmable after this month. Anyone here remember Cad Bane when he wws chromium exclusive? They gave his shards away for the monthly log in while he was still exclusive, and it took a month or more after that for Cad to become farmable.

    I bet Wedge shards will now be available in chromium packs. As a way to try and entice people to buy them. Wedge was an aurodium hero, then completely unfarmable and unavailable anywhere. He most likely won't make the jump to f2p farmable before Kit Fisto, Darth Maul, or Clone Rex.