Forum Discussion

baldu42's avatar
8 years ago

What was you Guild GP to Stars relationship?

Ours is a 50+M GP guild and if we correct for learning mistakes, we should be doing 23/24 stars. I'm wondering if that's below, par or above expectations for such a power. Ideally, I would love to have a GP to stars curve (pretty trivial statistics).
I'm not asking guild's names or anything, just data points. If you see that you forgot to deploy, or most people followed the tutorial and deployed before combat or such, and you think you should be doing one or two stars above, tell me what you honestly think you should be doing.


For now I'm getting a base of 5 stars plus roughly GP/3.
Actual data is Slope 0.345 and Intercept 5.18. At over 146 samples, this is becoming a very robust result. And this is the current graph of the data:

As you can see, it looks like straight line up to 40 stars or so. 40/41 seems a ceiling. But may be next run with the lessons learned and more discipline we could see even higher numbers! If we followed the linear prediction, 45 stars would require 115M GP. But I didn't run the numbers. It might require a bit more.
Also, if you are to the LEFT of the line, you are punching above your weight. If you are to the RIGHT, you could probably do a bit better. This is a very crude statistic approach. A more detailed analysis would probably explain a lot more. But things like Dark Side GP, Fleet strengh, player participation and even rare toons high starring for the Phase 5 and 6 platoons play a huge role that such a besic approach can not discern.

Thanks to @J7Luke for his spreadsheet (I did mine and got same results!!).