Forum Discussion

himman123456's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Why R2 before palpatine?

We just had an R2 event but a lot of people don't benefit from it because we didn't get palpatine first? Are we likely to at least be getting palpatine soon?
  • At this point definitely not before r2 but based on previous events (if it matters)

    Feb - last palp event
    March - both hero's journeys + their respective droids
    April - Thrawn and yoda

    So may should be a palpatine month don't hold me to that as I was planning to have him for r2 and am now quickly farming rg/magma.
  • As CG already told they make it harder to get specific hero's.

    In other word's: They like to screw up people to force the players to play the game longer or buy packages.

    We have the same issue in our Gild: No Palp->No R2D2->No Luke ....

    We probably get Palpatine event in July since June will be probably BB8+Rey
  • Should see my current guild lol, I'm the only with with a shot at r2 and in the future cls atm. Planning on changing guilds soon but going to wait till my friend, one of the officers get back, as the gl is barely on.
  • I’m convinced that palpatine will arrive before the R2 event finishes. He was next in rotation, is too soon for R2 to come back and palp is “a must” for that event. The devs know all of that.
    I think that announcing 4 days in-game the R2 event is a way to tell us that the first week of May (because May the 4th) will be awesome.
  • So I get more time to throw my Phoenix squad together.

    I should be able to at least 5* them which will do me as I want to work on something else (i.e. stuff I WANT to work on).

    My guild has 11 players in it of which 5 (myself included) are "active". None of them have any of the event only toons. Most other guilds have a "discord or GTFO" rule though so I'm stuck.

  • "rubyhillcal;c-1535779" wrote:
    This event completely screwed up my schedule. I was gonna farm rebels for palpatine, 6* him, and use him along with 4 other empire toons to get a 6* r2d2. **** is this ****, i only have 4 empire toons to use.

    To be fair a 6* R2 isn't really any better than a 5* R2 and you probably have time to panic farm someone like magmatroooper to 5* before the event finishes