Forum Discussion

Darth_DeVito's avatar
6 years ago

Why the long faces? An aspect ratio issue

All older event images appear vertically stretched, such as this one:

When I scale it so that the image no longer extends behind the titlebar, the aspect ratio looks correct to me. I imagine it used to be this way before the design was changed and older images were simply stretched to fit. The upcoming Endor and Hoth Omega Battles are distorted too, whereas newer events like 3PO and Gal. Bounties have a proper aspect ratio.

It may seem like a big issue to some (if not most) players, but I find it really irksome. This is otherwise such a beautifully designed game, except for this detail. It looks like something you get when you let an intern without design background create the company website. A simple fix would be to stretch the images horizontally too and crop them. Or add empty space at the bottom after correcting the height and let this part fade to black.
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