Forum Discussion

ts7mbvldtkhj's avatar
10 hours ago

Casual 480m US guild looking 2-4 new members


Corellian Refugees has 2 open slots, and could make room for a few more if a group wants to move.

We're quite casual, but accomplish enough to make solid progress in the game. Minimum expectations are
to log in most days and deploy each phase in TB. No forced farms or required omis. We certainly appreciate
folks who contribute more than the minimum in TB and raid, but it's not necessary. Play the game how you 
enjoy it.

TB: 28 stars, 15-20 Reva shards. We expect you to deploy each phase, combat is optional.
TW: If you join, put your roster into play. Full defense is fine. We don't try that hard, around 35% win rate.
Raid: Right around the 90m box, sometimes just over, sometimes just under. Raid is the top priority if you want to 
develop a squad to help the guild.

We are US based, but welcome all comers. 8m GP minimum, lower would be considered if you have can contribute in raid 
or have BoMando for her TB mission.

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