Dark Shadowed Society is recruiting
Currently 175 million gp guild. 46 members with slots to fill. Mostly casual guild, but looking to fill spots with more active players. We don't expect you to not have a life outside of the game though.
Currently switching off between Endor 3rd reward crate and Naboo 1st reward crate(very close to 2nd)
DS Geo TB 15*, LS Geo 6*. Earning Wat Tambor Shards, gear 12+ Geos very welcomed pogglecron preferred for TWs.
Goal to get back to 20k+ raid tickets daily after some members went inactive and had to be released.
Great core, solid activity in TB and TW(we win most TWs), perfect for rosters around 2million+ with ready Geos, but willing to keep newer players if raid tickets are 400-600 daily and willing to work Geos.
Find Dark Shadowed Society in game or in swgoh.gg recruiting.
Or message me in game. My ally code is 749-263-787