Forum Discussion

Baddynator's avatar
Seasoned Novice
2 months ago

LFG, 6.3kk GP

Hey, I am Daniel(or Baddy) from Europe, Germany. 36 years old. Started june 23(15 months in)

GP: ~6.3kk 

Tickets: 600

GL: Slkr and Rey working on JML/Prof, then Jabba/Leia
GL Ships: Executor, also got negotiator with marauder(have to g12/relic bad batch), working on chimera and finalizer as exec counter. Malovelence also ready. 

Fleet Arena: #1 
Squad Arena: #1-10


inqs: no. Would like to push them at earliest after I got jml/prof, even better after Jabba. But if they are needed for a top offer I am willing to work on them sooner. 

Bundles: almost all LSBs, no HSB. 

Raid: Lumi 1.2kk, Maul 450k(can push maul and Sid to relic if needed), almost finished quadme team(r7), so gonna be another 1.8k(would prefer to hit 1.2kk if we don’t aim for next crate)

~2.850.000 points, can push up to 3.450.000+ if needed. 

TW: joining almost always(pretty sure I didn’t miss a single one). Listening to orders, no preloading. 

TB: willing to learn. We did rote and wat in rotation(still missing 120 shards for wat). Will get them at some point later I think. Want to go full rote. Always deploying. Trying to do missions(as said willing to learn), will fill platoons as the guild orders, willing to help the guild if needed.

Gac: auro 3, peaked kyber 4 with res/Fo DCs. 

Conquest: Aiming for Box 5, so 6 month unlock for conquest units. Farming all old PG chars. Also Farming a few DCs. 

feel free to ask anything.

Discord: Baddy 6082 (would rather prefer to talk in discord than ingame)

Extra note:
I am right now in the BRG alliance and I really like it there. There are a lot of other Guilds within the alliance, so if the offers are similar I would most likely decide to stay within the BRG allaince.

  • pzc347xuinzx's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Hi Daniel, unsere Gilde formiert sich gerade neu. Wir sind eine deutsche Gilde die Spaß am Spiel hat und aktive Mitglieder sucht. Wir helfen uns untereinander und geben Tipps und Tricks um weiter zu kommen und begegnen uns fair und auf Augenhöhe.
    Wir würden uns freuen Dich als Mitglied der I Amateure I begrüßen zu dürfen! Mein Bündniscode lautet: 349-186-722

  • JThey888's avatar
    Rising Newcomer

    I'm an Officer for our guild The New Crimson Order. We're at 420mil GP, doing ROTE full time and getting 28 stars, and hitting 90mil on Naboo (pushing for the next crate). We're a pretty casual guild, so we won't make you farm certain teams or apply Omicrons that you don't want to.

    Our only requirements are that you deploy in ROTE, participate in TWs, and get 600 raid tickets daily. Our .gg: 

    My Discord username if you are interested or have any questions: jthey