Looking for 1 active new member!
Hey everyone, my guild, Savage Reapers currently have 1 opening. We are looking for a active player who is looking for a step up in competition. We require players to join & participate in all Raids, Territory Wars and Territory Battles. We are gearing up our Inquisitors and making our main guild goal to start pushing and unlocking Third Sister/Reva! We also consistently get 10+ shards on Wat TB. We require you to get your daily 600. We are very social in chat and we are here to give tips & tricks to any & all members of Savage Reapers. Our current guild GP is about 328 million. To enter our guild you must be level 85. We have a low requirement for GP, so active new players are encouraged to join. Again we ask that all players are active, join & participate where eligible. If you think this sounds like a guild for you feel free to reply here or the easiest way to find us is to search for us in game! We are happy to have you join us!