6 years ago
1 Tip that can beat 7* "Lone Wolf" Malaks using Padme (video)
Here we have a vid going over 1 tip that can help beat any 7* malak team, when he is the last one standing. Hope you enjoy. liking and sharing can go a long way.
tldr: use jka aoe when healing immunity sticks on malak. with 3po on the team, the aoe gives extra stacks of protection up, which in turn lets you tank the drain life from malak and keep doing damage till he dies.
Here we have a vid going over 1 tip that can help beat any 7* malak team, when he is the last one standing. Hope you enjoy. liking and sharing can go a long way.
tldr: use jka aoe when healing immunity sticks on malak. with 3po on the team, the aoe gives extra stacks of protection up, which in turn lets you tank the drain life from malak and keep doing damage till he dies.