Forum Discussion

irlGoob's avatar
5 years ago

5th Jedi for (Future) JKR team?

I've started a new account recently and I'm going for a JKR team, without the hyperdrive bundle. Currently I'm sitting at lvl 46 after around 5 days with Jolee 4*(26shards), Ezra 4*(42shards) Bastila Shan *4(5shards), Kanan Jarrus 4*(16 shards) and Jedi Consular 4*.
Yes I know jedi consular is not a good character but I'm taking him to 7* solely for the purpose of getting GMY 7*. I intend on replacing him with GMY ASAP.
My question is, who should I farm to replace Kanan (and eventually ezra)
I know that Ezra has more viability with a full JKR jedi team than Kanan does as he can do big damage, but Kanan not so much.
I'm considering farming JKA as my 5th, but there might be better options out there. Suggestions?