Well, my points were meant to start a discussion and share my thoughts. You don't have to agree ;)
Guild store: why not IGD first for faster access to the def mod challenge? It seems more important than crit mods to me.
I'm ok with IGD as well. Might be a good choice if you're postponing farming QGJ, since you need those 5 jedi's. Crit mods are actually mods you will farm, defence won't be. Unlocking tier5 mods through defence challenge is needed, but not essential early on. Even now I can't afford them since I spend all my credits on level up's, upgrading mods and units to higher tiers.
Leia is mentioned in Lord skunks AAT guide. That was the use I planned. I took that point out of the list, until we can agree on a priority:
That same guide suggests droid team in phase 2. You have to get at least HK47 to run it, there is no substitution for it. Unlike substituting any rebel for phase 4. Nebit is also mentioned in droid team.
What about Eeth Koth? Might be useful for P1 AAT team (IGD (L), QGJ, Ahsoka, Yoda (<-JC)).
I won't farm him ,waste of resources imo. Would stick to JC if I lacked fifth untill JKA is farmed.
Mace is a beast as fleet commander. But if you level Ackbar's ship, I would not see the need to farm him.
Both him and Tarkin only to 5* for purposes I mentioned in previous post. But as you pointed out it's not necessary, but can be helpful to 3* mod and zeta challenges.
For the droid team you also need B2 and I think you need the cantina energy rather for mods and TFP. So HK47 can come later when your mod situation is comfortable and you also can farm B2.
B2 works in many places and actually isn't needed for droid team. You can go HK47(L), IG86, IG86, Nebit, JE.
The same with Rex. I think he can wait until QGJ is ready and you also farm for Fives.
Sry, but I don't understand this comment. Rex is in guild shop and can be farmed beside QGJ and Fives. He doesn't need clones around to work properly. Like I said, he will be essential against zeta Vader and empire team, because of his leader ability + tenacity up skill. Many already run him with rebels beside.