10 years ago
Advice for team setup?
Hey guys first post on the forums with a question thats been bugging me for a while: whats the best setup for a light side team, dark side team, and neutral team. My neutral setup is OK but the other two are lacking, I have the following.
Phasma 5 star level 8 gear level 65
Ig88 7 star level 7 gear level 62
Jedi Counselor 5 star level 8 gear level 62
Clone Wars Chewie 5 star level 7 gear level 63
Ashoka Tano 5 star level 7 gear level 62
Those are primaries atm, secondaries include
4 star anakin
4 star ig86
4 star talia
4 star tarkin
4 star jawa
4 star assaj
2 star first order tie pilot
The rest of my characters are all eh and aren't too useful, I have a lot unlocked but not many that are too useful. Can you guys offer me any advice specifically in the light dark teams?
Phasma 5 star level 8 gear level 65
Ig88 7 star level 7 gear level 62
Jedi Counselor 5 star level 8 gear level 62
Clone Wars Chewie 5 star level 7 gear level 63
Ashoka Tano 5 star level 7 gear level 62
Those are primaries atm, secondaries include
4 star anakin
4 star ig86
4 star talia
4 star tarkin
4 star jawa
4 star assaj
2 star first order tie pilot
The rest of my characters are all eh and aren't too useful, I have a lot unlocked but not many that are too useful. Can you guys offer me any advice specifically in the light dark teams?