8 years ago
Advise on Light Side Squad
Long story short I haven't been giving my Light Side any love and now I am paying for it in the Light Side battles. I have been told to work on my Rebel squad but wanted to see if anybody else out the...
"YKMisfit;c-1450948" wrote:
That video is very helpful, but the thing I don't like about the Phoenix route in getting CLS (which seems to be his main end goal behind this entire strategy), is that it actually requires you to farm more characters to 7* than just going with a traditional rebel squad.
Phoenix is a pretty easy group to farm, with the one exception being that you need 2 from the cantina. They get you one additional empire character than traditional rebels, but it ignores the fact that you need Old Ben, Leia, STHan and FB Luke as well as R2D2 for CLS. If you go with Wiggs/STH/OB/Leiah to get you EP, then not only are you getting one "free" empire character to get you R2, but you'll have 3 of the 5 required to get CLS already farmed and geared.
To get CLS, you need the following:
- FB Luke
- Old Ben
- Princess Leia
- STHan
- Empire Toon 1
- Empire Toon 2
- Empire Toon 3
- Empire Toon 4
- Empire Toon 5
So basically 5 Empire toons gets you R2, or 9 characters total to farm. If you farm a random empire toon or if you get another rebel to get EP, it's still 9 characters you need to actually go out and farm.
By farming and gearing a complete Phoenix squad, you're getting 5 additional characters just to get a "free" Empire toon for R2. You still have to farm FBL/OB/Leia/STHan and 3 more Empire to meet the Hero's Journey requirements. You'll end up having to farm 12 characters from 0*-7* instead of just 9 by farming the required rebels from the start. The only difference being at the end of the day, you won't have that additional legendary character (Thrawn).