Forum Discussion

JCTucker's avatar
7 years ago

Anyone have any interesting DS team comps?

Having LSTB last week and DSTB immediately following today brought this to the forefront of my mind.

Personally, I keep TB interesting by using comps I normally don't get to use during the first 4 phases. Teams that I've built for TW but never use in the wild.

Ewoks. (this was good practice for 3PO)

Qi'ra led scoundrels. Either Solo toons, or plug in Mission and Zaalbar. It's fun to watch Vandor Chewie get prepared over and over because he can't be hit behind all the taunting.

Jedi. You haven't lived until you wrap 4 targeted assists around zGMY.

Resistance with Rose Tico and Amilyn Holdo (that double tap from Rose under JTR generating exposes, and Hodor cleaning up all the exposes with her AoE under zFinn.)

Hans and Chewies.

You get the idea.

Then, when DSTB rolls around....

It's Traya Tri, zzEmperor, Bossk and the Bounty Hunters.... And that's pretty much it. I'm looking over the roster, and I don't see much synergy elsewhere. There's no "Mission and Zaalbar" equivalent. My Imp Troopers get sucked up by platoons, because Storm, Shore, and Death are so prevalent in there.

So, just wondering if I'm missing anything here that could spice things up on the ice world.

9 Replies

  • There's definitely not as much synergy outside of specific factions on the DS as there is LS. Other than Thrawn, EP and Vader they all kind of stay in their little camps: Empire, Troopers, Sith, NS, FO and BH.

    There are 7 DS droids but they are all average to awful. If GG (also HK, Magnaguard and IG-86) ever got a rework there might be some potential.
    There are 10 Separatist toons but there's no benefit to the designation. A rework around GG, Dooku and maybe Nute would be great to see.

    Beyond those you just don't see much synergy across factions like you do with LS. If your guild is guaranteed to get the max stars in a sector and you've done the special mission then maybe consider experimenting with 3 man teams in combat missions as practice for the upcoming GA.

    Edit: One that might work would be a DOT based team of IG88 L, Vader, Wampa, Boba and Shaman. Maybe replace either of the last two with Ordo if you have him.
  • Noone mentioning Nightsisters?

    Also, there are more imperial trooper toons than a squas needs so even if 1-2 gets to platoons, you can still make a great ipt team.
  • Yeah odd no mention of N.S Squad I roll zm.t 2zo.d, assji, talia, n.s intiate...all are glvl 10 and up and heavily modded...not too many teams out there on D.S. that can beat it regularily
  • I use Thrawn Wampa Shore Tarkin +1 for an occasional battle. If platoons and other battles have depleted the usual teams. Shore taunts, Tarkin reduces incoming damage, Thrawn makes sure those two run fine, Wampa deals damage. The +1 is usually some type of support
  • Try any zveer led trooper team with range & gar saxon. The latter can fire off 10 consecutive assists & it's hilarious.
  • Yeah another fun team: IG88 lead, Gar Saxon modded for crit, Range, Shore, Storm.

    Gar stacks dots like crazy with all of the assists and the enemy just melts while you hide behind 2 tanks and a healer. Ive had 12 dots at a time stacked on one toon.