"Moroveus;d-186927" wrote:
On paper, Holdo looks like an interesting toon. But in practice, I haven't found a team in which she seems to perform well. Do any of you use her? And if so, would you mind sharing the team compositions you're using with her?
I've been using her for a while, she's really good and would get me to between 60 and 50 on most days, and occasionally under 50. Unfortunately the time change and my job have combined to really screw with my payouts so now I'm hovering around 150 (I can for sure do 5 attacks a day, but only 1 before payout, so normally I do two or three and call it a day). She's G11, 7*, modded for potency, and zeta'd.
She has two jobs and does them very well:
1) Use her AoE and spread expose and daze.
2) Soak damage for as long as possible.
She almost always dies, but sure enough everyone else on my team is standing. One of the under-rated strengths of hers is that her taunt is a passive ability. So even if it's dispelled somehow (and it ALWAYS is) it'll come right back in a minute.
I used to use Scavenger Rey, but once she has a debuff she's too weak and all the teams on my leaderboard are heavy on debuffs. Instead I use Resistance Soldier, who can just spam that special of his over and over and over with all the exposes that get generated.
In territory wars I'll put the "new" resistance characters in one team and the old school ones in the other. It'd be different if I was attacking probably, but I don't have time for that--I just deploy everything on defense and let my friends do the lifting :p