6 years ago
Arena Starting Team at lvl.28
Hey guys. Im planning my Arena Start.
Currently i hoard Energy and stay at lvl.27 till i can get in one day to lvl.40+. So i will have a Advantage in Arena.
Currently i have Hera 3*, Ezra 4* and Chopper 3*, all g4 +3 and all ry to get to g5 as soon as i will Level up to 40+.
I am farming jyn erso with Guild currency atm. an hope i will get her to 7* to farm GK and Raid Han before ich Level up.
I will farm Kanaan and Zeb after hoarding with Arena and GW Tokens. But they will be low at stars ompare to jyn or Raidhan/GK then
Is a full Phönix Team - with low Kanaan/Zeb better then a Jyn lead, ezra, Chopper, raidhan, and GK Team at the beginning ? Kanaan and Zeb will ofc get to 7* too (Thrawn etc)
With GK, Kanaan, Ezra i will have 3 jedis. Should i swith asap to bastilla lead jedis and then direct to JKR ?
Currently i hoard Energy and stay at lvl.27 till i can get in one day to lvl.40+. So i will have a Advantage in Arena.
Currently i have Hera 3*, Ezra 4* and Chopper 3*, all g4 +3 and all ry to get to g5 as soon as i will Level up to 40+.
I am farming jyn erso with Guild currency atm. an hope i will get her to 7* to farm GK and Raid Han before ich Level up.
I will farm Kanaan and Zeb after hoarding with Arena and GW Tokens. But they will be low at stars ompare to jyn or Raidhan/GK then
Is a full Phönix Team - with low Kanaan/Zeb better then a Jyn lead, ezra, Chopper, raidhan, and GK Team at the beginning ? Kanaan and Zeb will ofc get to 7* too (Thrawn etc)
With GK, Kanaan, Ezra i will have 3 jedis. Should i swith asap to bastilla lead jedis and then direct to JKR ?