Forum Discussion

trIgergo's avatar
7 years ago

Arena team suggestions
Hi, can you help me with my arena team?
currently running vader, palpatin(lead), thrawn(alt lead), tarkin, and old ben, but he starts to really not fit in there anymore. Who should i gear up to throw in his place? (most of the vaders are faster than mine, so maybe han solo would be useful? Or a tank?)
  • Palpatine with zeta on the leader ability, Vader,thrawn, sion, nihilus
  • yeah, the main problem is that i am lvl 80 so even though i got the zeta mats, i cant zeta him for some time. And nihilus isnt even on the horizon until lvl 85. But I will definitely try sion to see how it works.
  • I'd take TFP AND KRU to level 85 and run them. Your mods are not great. Farm alot of those. For KRU CC/CD/or Health will get you a much better result. TFP, well he needs mods help. Head to Crouching Rancor if you need a mods guide.
  • tried tfp and han as fifth, and with han(stunning their vader) i managed top 5. tfp might be better on defense though...