Forum Discussion

rossfisher89's avatar
8 years ago

Arena team tips

I done a post in GD about what to be working on as a returning player who has been out for several months, but I need some help in arena.

I used to be top 30-50 but after being absent for a while I'm struggling to get above 350 now.

What team should I be using? And what can I change from this roster (link below)

I currently use Old Ben (L), Rey, Qgj, RG and Lumi.

5 Replies

  • Yes and no offense you should do good I run DN (l) sith and have to put some thinking into beating that line up if yoda is faster then my sa I lose or need good rng to win
  • Yea sorry I just looked at your mods you need more speed on yoda arrow and secondary speed imo yoda needs to go just as fast as a tfp or sa to put tenacity up for the team