Forum Discussion

LordStyling's avatar
9 years ago

Arena tokens, after IG88, whats next?

What should I go for next?

stockpile them

here's my squad:

  • HK if you want a droid team. Otherwise ST Han. He is at least somewhat viable outside of a Rebel team and can be used in tank challenge. :neutral:
  • "Ace5;148048" wrote:
    Unless you run an all droid team hk is not worth it.

    I'm convinced st Han will have some utility as a tank in the future and may be viable with his turn meter changes. Just speculation on my part though

    I speculate the same thing, which is same reason I speculate Ackbar being useful one day too.

    "CheesyPasta;147488" wrote:
    IG and HK have great synergy together. I say HK.

    "KamikazeRhombus;148094" wrote:
    HK if you want a droid team. Otherwise ST Han. He is at least somewhat viable outside of a Rebel team and can be used in tank challenge. :neutral:

    I do not have one, but they seem fun lol, which is the only reason I'm considering it. Basically to eventually have a "B" or "C" team for GW.
  • "LordStyling;148146" wrote:
    "Ace5;148048" wrote:
    Unless you run an all droid team hk is not worth it.

    I'm convinced st Han will have some utility as a tank in the future and may be viable with his turn meter changes. Just speculation on my part though

    I speculate the same thing, which is same reason I speculate Ackbar being useful one day too.

    "CheesyPasta;147488" wrote:
    IG and HK have great synergy together. I say HK.

    "KamikazeRhombus;148094" wrote:
    HK if you want a droid team. Otherwise ST Han. He is at least somewhat viable outside of a Rebel team and can be used in tank challenge. :neutral:

    I do not have one, but they seem fun lol, which is the only reason I'm considering it. Basically to eventually have a "B" or "C" team for GW.

    In the same boat. Was hoarding tokens but might go for HK. Only thing stopping me is the lack of GS... Droid team's not gonna cut it without GS. Already have Poggle, 88 and 86 7 starred.

    Maybe I'll hold on to my tokens a bit more...

  • I currently have 7*d the same as was arena shipment characters as you (except I also have Ventriss). Am currently farming Han and Savage. Although, with the release of Grievous, I think we'll be seeing alot more Droid based squads, so maybe Ugnaught would be worth while....
    BTW, Ventriss is ok, not much Hp and bad speed, but she can hit like a demon! Great ATK buff :)
  • "Lunchboxx77;148862" wrote:
    I currently have 7*d the same as was arena shipment characters as you (except I also have Ventriss). Am currently farming Han and Savage. Although, with the release of Grievous, I think we'll be seeing alot more Droid based squads, so maybe Ugnaught would be worth while....
    BTW, Ventriss is ok, not much Hp and bad speed, but she can hit like a demon! Great ATK buff :)

    I was actually confused between Asajj and Savage due to lack of GS. I'll add one more vote for the lady, thanks.

    P.S. I wouldn't worry about GG droid teams much. Cos, too expensive for most.