Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Newcomer
6 years ago

Asajj in geo territory battle

So I'm a little concerned about asajj and what she'll be like at gear 13. As of now mine is gear 12 with only 2 gear to 13. She's got a zeta all mods are sliced and she's a beast when leading my nightsisters. But any mission where she is stuck working with dooku she is a wet noodle. She can barely survive a few hits and I dont know what is going on. If anyone has her at gear 13 what is she like in these missions?
  • That mission solely depends on Dooku. You need him geared and fast with an omega on Master of Makashi. You also need the B2 rocket trooper as a 'forced taunter'. Whether AV survives until the end or not is almost irrelevant. I have her at G13, but I still rely more on zDooku.

    For TB you might want to switch to MT lead if you have the zeta.
  • AV hitting okay-ish does not change the fact that you need Dooku more for that mission. You can have AV right at the 16.500 mark, have her die in the first wave and still go 4/4 on the CM with a G12 zDooku. It won't work the other way around. If you lose Dooku before wave 4, you won't finish the mission. You can have G13 AV and all the CD/Offense mods you want, whichever you prefer.
  • I totally disagree
    My Ventress is G12+4 and easily survived to last round and pulled her weight!

    Ventress also got me 6* Padme with G9 bugs last time round —> she’s definitely NOT a wet noodle :)

    Link your accounts and we can maybe help you with mods etc if that helps?
  • AV works best with nightsisters becuse of her unique. i have her at g13, and playing regular tb battles, she often goes down
  • I have her g13 and she handles it pretty easily. I was able to do 4/4 with just g12+3 dooku no zeta and g12+5 AV. Make sure you stack some good potency on dooku and use his stuns and some from assisting droid and you'll be fine. But you should still g13 AV, she's a monster with her new dress. ?
  • For the Dooku/AV mission, get Rocket B2 from from platoons, make Dooku go first and use his Makashi special asap, and 4/4 is pretty straightforward from there.
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Summon the droid and use Dooku to stealth himself and AV.

    If you have the zeta on Dooku he can solo it if AV dies anyway. Just keep stealthing and letting the droid take the hits, and his zeta can easily keep him topped off on protection. This last TB my Ventress died at the start of wave 3 and I still easily finished all four waves.