resistance, FO, Jedi, Separatist, Galactic republic, in that order. that's my guess.... of course there's overlap between say jedi and GRepublic, so it's not too bad.
@Simbaxi i'm in the exact same boat as you... there were a few months when i was behind the meta (wiggs) and could basically only hope for barely under 20 by payout, but then that's balanced out by recent months when i've managed to get to top 5 daily... so i guess it'll be hard if my guesses are wrong for the next few months, ha.
tho after playing for so long, i feel like i'm reasonably prepared as i've got at least every toon unlocked except ROLO and Hermit Yoda, so.... well if some random new faction gets a massive bump i don't have to start from scratch. Gearing on the other hand is a totally different story, sigh