"CoastalJames;c-1289647" wrote:
So the reading the above replies - the next meta, could be Jedi. Or maybe Sith. Or maybe droids. Or maybe Resistance. Might be Separatist. Or Maybe FO.
Yeah, granted anything could be the next meta, but you can make educated guesses if you keep your ear to the ground. With the game being so heavily pay to win if you dont have the luxury to do that you need to be clever and try and predict which direction the game may go. At the moment its safe to say that the next movie is going to be a deciding factor in that which faction or toons become the new toys to play with so why not think, okay resistance looka like its gonna be a strong faction and is likely to have a new toon boost that when the new movie comes out so lets invest gear and money into those toons and when the time comes stand a chance against the whales