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Unit10101's avatar
5 years ago

Been playing 6 months. Any advice for my roster and direction?

Been playing for 6 months. Joined mid December 2019. I would like good teams, but also just want to have some fun. Did the Phoenix thing at the start, EP and Thrawn too. Went for BHs as well, for the credit heist and their ships, and like them very much. Got Hand and Chewie, Yoda and R2D2. I know BHs may not be the best squad to focus on, but I like playing them.

But I'm at the point where I can place some more zetas, and want to know what would be good choices. More on Bossk, or on Jango? Or Vader, or EP? Or Batila when she gets stronger? I've been building up clones too, as I would like to play them as well.

I also got Chimaera yesterday, but find it hard enough to keep the Executrix strong, let alone the LS cap ships (which I kind of ignored in favour of Executrix.)

Traya will unlock for me in a few days, with the last set of shards from the daily log in reward. So now I got Sith on my mind too .... it's all too much! :smiley:

Any advice for my roster?

Thanks in advance.
  • Thank you. That's good advice. I'm certainly taking Bossk and Jango to 7* --- the BHs are so much fun when they get the contract. And with Mandalorian, there's disintegrate on the horizon! (I don't have him geared for that yet, but am close, and even at 4* he can survive to the final stage of the BH Wampa event, so maybe next time I can disintegrate a Wampa!)

    Am aiming for Chewie 7* when the BHs are ready, and Guild do enough events to keep Han shards ticking over.

    I have my eye on CLS, and will work on the team for that.

    It's really helpful what you say about switching to a rebel fleet. I was stumped about what to do next for fleet development, but now have a plan! :smiley:

    Thank you,
  • The zeta on EP's leader ability is definately worth it. It transforms your empire team completely. With his lead zetaed and either a fast Thrawn or fast Vader, you can get the turnmeter teain going.

    I see, you have worked a bit on both farmboy, Old Ben, ST Han and Leia. You may as well take those 4 all the way to 7* to unlock commander Luke. CLS will form a powerfull trio along with Chewie and Han Solo.

    If you take Bossk and Jango to 7* you'll have a team ready to take Chewie to 7* as well. Gearing them up will help you in both squad and fleet arena. You're doing great i fleet arena btw :-). If you consider adding another zeta to your BH I would recommend Bossk's second zeta since it will buff your HT considerably. HT is part of so many different fleet types. You will benefit still after switching to a rebel fleet built around Han's Falcon. For that fleet you will need to gear up Biggs, Han and Chewie as well as their ships (Han's zeta is another great zeta). Also unlock Cassian's U-wing. You won't regret it. It will help you stay in top ranks of fleet arena.

    I would recommend to focus on those for a start and only work on sith as side projects (Nihilus and Sion to complete your Traya trio).
  • Oh, and skip building Chimaera for now. I'd recommend to build Home One instead to command your next fleet - rebels.
  • I'm always happy to help :-)

    Good luck in your future adventures.
  • Go for Bastilla Shan (Fallen) she is great with EP. Go for an EP team with EP lead, Bastilla Shan Fallen, Darth Vader, Traya, Sion. Then take Darth Vader out for Nihilus. I would continue with BH until you get 7 star Chewie. Also, go for CLS and R2. That EP team is insane. CLS is also great. After that just go on the fast track to JNR and DR and Malak. As for ships go for an Ackbar lineup. Hans falcon is also great, you should max that out asap. Rebel y wing, Phantom one and two, Biggs, houndstooth, and whatever else would make a nice fleet.
  • Just got Han's Falcon to 7-star (Thank you BHs! <3 ). Han is 5-star and Chewie is 6-star, but both a bit weak on gear. Also have a Rebel Y-Wing at 4-star, and Ghost is 7 and Phanton II is 6 (with decent geared Phoenix pilots). I'm working on Biggs (5-star X-wing, 7-star Biggs, low gear) and just unlocked Wedge's X-wing. Yet to unlock Cassian's ship or pilots. Home One is 5-star and AA needs some work.

    Rebel fleet on the way! B)

    Are there any other ships I should focus on? I'll keep building HTs, of course.
  • If you go for geos you get a Padme Event team, a dark side ship team, and you can use their ships to get tier 3 of fleet challenges to get zetas.
  • I avoided Geos early on, but the BHs/ships got me the Fleet Challenge (and Chewie and Han's Falcon). One day I'll have to go back to Geos for Padme (she's at 100/145 so far).

    I have a 5-star GK and 4-star GG, but am only 5% of the way to unlocking Nego or Mal, so these are longer term projects I feel.

    But now people are saying Rebels is where it's at, so I'm looking for any forward thinking advice around them.
  • My mistake about the ships.

    Rebel ships are great if you can't get Nego or Mal.

    You are in a great spot because of the BH ships you have.
  • I would go ahead and get Commander Luke. You’re very close, and having his rebel team would greatly improve your roster.