Forum Discussion

ColemanTreborX's avatar
8 years ago

Best character to farm in each store (lower levels mostly)

Galactic war store:
Best characters to farm: Biggs Darklighter, Luminara Unduli
Decent characters to farm: Captain Phasma, IG-86, Garazeb, K2-SO, Teeboo, Cad Bane (5th scoundrel)
Do not farm: Tusken raider, Nightsister Initiate

Cantina battle store:
Best to farm: Boba Fett, Qui-Gon Jinn, Fives
Decent to farm: Chopper, Poe Dameron, Old Daka, Ahsoka
Do not farm: Mob enforcer, Jedi Knight Guardian, Pao

Squad arena store:
Best to farm: Leia, Admiral Ackbar, Stormtrooper Han, Darth Sidious, IG-88 (scoundrel)
Decent to farm: Kanan Jarrus, Mace Windu, Tarkin, Cassian Andor (best if you have K2-SO) Savage Opress (Sith team)
HK-47 (droid leader)
Do not farm: Coruscant underworld police, Eeth koth, Nute Gunray, Ugnaught

Guild shipments:
Best to farm: Rey, Rex, Darth Maul, Jyn Erso, Sun Fac
Decent to farm: Sabine, Cody, Echo, Ima-Gun Di, resistance trooper, Jawa engineer (droid team), ewok elder
Do not farm: Gamorrean Guard, Tusken Shaman

Fleet store:
Best characters to farm: Wedge Antilles(!), Darth Vader(!), Chirrut, Darth Maul
Decent to farm: Boba Fett (great character but can be farmed elsewhere), Ackbar-Tarkin-Mace (same), Ezra, Rex, Cody, Echo, Poe Dameron, Ahsoka, Geonosian Soldier, Ahsoka Fulcrum
Do not farm: Geonosian Spy, Tusken Shaman, Zam Wessel
(not that bad but way better characters), General Grievous

Good team compositions:
Wedge lead, Biggs, Leia, Stormtrooper Han, Chirrut/Ackbar
Hera Lead, Ezra, Kanan, Garazeb, Chopper/Sabine
Lando lead, IG-88, Boba Fett, Stormtrooper Han, Cad Bane
Emperor lead, Darth Vader, Tarkin, Royal Guard, Tie Fighter Pilot
Qui-Gon Jinn lead, Mace Windu, Ezra, Kanan, Luminara

Hope you find this useful!