Forum Discussion

zeng-steve's avatar
11 months ago

Best Fleet for Fleet Arena w/LSBs?

I am an early game player, but I bought most of the LSBs, so I have an inflated 3m gp.

With the ships from the bundles, I had been climbing fleet arena, but I'm struggling to figure out what's the best lineup. A lot of the fleet recommendations that I'm seeing, it seems like I'm missing like 1-2 key ships.

Or if I have the ships, it seems like I'm missing some key ability, or not using the right combos with the ships. For example, I noticed a lot of bounty hunter ships in my top 20 (probably due to the bundles), but when I use my own BH ships, I struggle to win. Everyone starts with the Bossk ship, and it seems like it's just a matter of whether or not you can work around its taunt and take out some enemies.

So my question is, what's my best fleet with what I've got and what I'm going up against?

In terms of capital ships, I have a 6-star Executrix and a 6-star Home One. The Executrix has most of its abilities maxed out, but a low gear pilot. The Home One has a R3 pilot (bcuz of the bundle), but mostly level 1 abilities, but also very close to 7-star. My top priority has been building up Chimaera, but should I focus on building up Home One instead?

Here are the rest of the ships in order of power. I've got a 6-star Razor Crest and 6-star HMF in queue to be built up. But I guess my dilemma is more about what's my best lineup at the moment and less about which ships to farm for the future.
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