Forum Discussion

costahd2017's avatar
8 years ago

Best Heroic Tank HAAT raid guide ep. 1 - Phase 1

Recommended team: Jedi team


  • MODs with tenacity
  • Tenacity must be as high as possible (total 100% ) for all Jedi team

Best Leaders
Jedi Knight Anakin lead

  • best leader if Tenacity is high on your team

Aayla Secura lead

  • second best leader

  • best leader if Tenacity is not high

Other leaders in importance order

  • Ima-Gun Di
  • Grand Master Yoda
  • Qui-Gon Jin

Team members - in importance order

  • Jedi Knight Anakin
  • Aayla Secura
  • Qui-Gon Jin
  • General Kenobi
  • Grand Master Yoda
  • Ezra Bridger
  • Ima-Gun Di
  • Barriss Offee
  • Ahsoka Tano
  • Kanna Jarrus
  • Kit Fisto
  • Mace Windu


  • Jedi Knight Anakin & Ahsoka Tano
  • Aayla Secura & Ezra Bridger
  • Ima-Gun Di (leader) & Aayla Secura

Battle Strategy
1. Kill B2 Super Battle Droid
2. deal damage to both IG-100 MagnaGuard (not necessary to kill)

  • let them with little health
  • If you cannot kill B2 Super Battle Droid on your turn then do damage on IG-100 MagnaGuard

" B2 Super Battle Droid has has a 50% chance to gain 100% Turn Meter whenever its leader is Evaded or damaged by an attack."

3. Use hits with most damage on Grievous

  • Count the hits; every seventh time he will activate Tactical Maneuvering ** and one IG-100 MagnaGuard will taunt

4. Kill IG-100 MagnaGuard who Taunt

  • can use also Aayla to Stun him

5. Repeat from point 1
