If he is being used in a JKR team vs other JKR teams, you can safely 100% IGNORE speed.
Go 100% offensive primaries and secondaries stacked as much and as high as you can. In those fights he is called to assist so much and gaining bonus TM that speed is made largely irrelevant, and imo becomes a wasted stat. You can also safely ignore crit chance/damage as JKR teams have high up time of crit immunity and don't forget about Jolee's natural crit avoidance.
In a JKR+Thrawn team being used to climb through Malak teams then you want him very fast again, faster than enemy DR when speed bonus from JKR lead is added in. Then focus on offensive secondaries.
If used in a Padme team then I'm not sure what his optimal mod set should be. When I mess around with that team I use a mix of speed/offense with mixed results.