"thedrjojo;c-2105557" wrote:
"chionophile;c-2105480" wrote:
What's your objective? If it's to climb through GAS/DR/Padme, it frankly doesn't really matter what your team is. Poe and Finn are good and synergize well, but nearly any five reasonably geared LS toons will work (I personally like RHF/RHP/GK/Chewie for this).
If it's to sit in first indefinitely, two of GK/L3/Malak are probably best as your fourth and fifth (kinda rude though).
If you need to beat other Reys, I've found Wat/GAS/Hoda/GK to be effective.
Trying to find effective team, and also thinking tw/GAC defense hold, although these comps all cannibalize other good comps so not sure I'd run them like that anyway.
Idk. I'm 70/330 and want to figure out what to do with it,and my gas team I'm climbing from mid 40-50 now...my shard is nice enough to make a way for us without a GL yet to still reach out payout, so ill be doing the same,but easier to do that from rank 12 than 50
My undefeated GAC defense team is Rey, GK, Malak, L3 and Bariss. All are r4/5+. It does break up some teams but I did all squash on the rest of my defense and got Kyber last season in division 1...