My sith fleet is fucking epic. Hounds tooth is usually dead by the time I call in Palps shuttle, and when I do he's super dead with the dispell/buff immunity. Extinction bomber's protection recovery and sith fighter's fleet-wide foresight keeps my ships alive an healthy, even when facing a faster tarkin. I never drop below fleet rank 30, and usually I'm in the top 15, can easily take top 10 on the days I feel like it.
All the fleets I go against are at least 30k more power than me, usually more. I finish almost every fight with all my ships alive and healthy. Can't remember the last time I even got to call in boba, the fight is usually over before I need a 3rd reinforcement.
Can't wait to see what else CG will cook up for sith ships... Dooku's ship maybe? Would love an excuse to gear him up and throw zetas at him. Or maybe Nihilus' flagship? No matter what it's going to be fun :)