Forum Discussion

breadcrumbs6's avatar
7 years ago

Best ships that can hold on defense? (When will get a ship meta report?)

I’m trying to update my ships to more reliably stay in the top 10 on my shard.

I’m currently just running my 8 highest power ships, Mace’s ship as lead. I also have Tarkin’s ship maxed out and his power is only about a thousand lower than maces.

My main ships currently are Biggs, wedge, umbaran sf, slave 1, and tie advanced with Rex, Jedi counselor, and Poe’s ship as my reinforcements. I’m sitting at 320k power with them, but I want to know if id find better synergy elsewhere.

Poe overall power is the lowest with 30.5k. The next 5 usable ships are ghost, tie fighter, FOTF, phantom and the resistance x wing, they range from 28k-24.5k power respectively. My 8 main pilots are G9+ while the other five ship pilots are majority G8.

I win on offense 90% of the time, but I always get destroyed on defense. I’ve had the most trouble when fighting a similar comp to mine but 5’s and wedge are instead both tie pilots.

Gearing up all pilots that are in my arena team is currently my top priority, I just want to pick the right ones so I’m not having to waste gear. I know the scimitar is a great reinforcement, almost everyone else on my shard uses it first, but my DM is weak and the ship is only 4* atm (working on it). I’ve got a good strategy with my main team, but 5’s is only ok on offense while being a liability on D, supplying the enemy TM (his only use comes from the dispel on his basic for countering the scimitar and his 100% TL chance on his special) and wedge has no target lock. Granted, wedge is the finisher on that team, his special ability is how I take out the enemies biggs’ before they take out mine.

So my questions is, would both TF’s hold better wedge and 5’s ship as my first five? (I’d most likely be dropping umbaran sf and Poes ship) I’d lose a decent amount of overall power, around 12k. My shard mates range from 310k-330k, so I’d end up on the low end of that. I do feel like people just attack wherever with lowest overall power, I know I usually do, but I’m a target for some in the top 20, some with less than 300k power and still besting my squad. Is the loss in power worth the extra synergy I’ll have with both TF’s on my main squad? Or do you usually just attack the team with the lowest ship power, not really looking at the comp?

Ps: I’m a few days away from unlocking both the millennium falcon and kylos ship which should both have at least 30k power, so definitely usable. I was most likely going to add the millennium falcon into my team, not entirely sure about Kylos ship though. Gauntlet starfighter’s kit looks interesting, but my gar saxon and imperial trooper are weak currently.
  • Nothing ever holds on defence, I can take 1-3 on payout and be at 12 the next day, only the the resident kraken and the resident whale hold, kraken more than any and he uses thrawns ship.

    My advice, tarkins ship, Biggs, sun fac, 5s, tie advanced and normal tie, with boba maul and Ashoka I drop like I said 10 places but that’s it and my arena is pretty active in the top 40 or so
  • I’m missing sun fac from that but maybe I’ll keep boba in and have jc on the bench.
  • With tarkins ship the tie is essential as his dodge feeds tm to tarkin which leads to swarm which leads to muahahahaha moments lol
  • Best starting 5 (excluding the new FO since I haven't seen them in action yet) is Bistan + FOTP + TFP + reaper + Biggs with a Thrawn cap's not like far and away the most OP as other forms are good as well, but that's what I see as the best for D at least. Gar's ship is also very good..and the new FO ships both look outstanding.
  • I just started working on the reaper and bistan is a slow farm. I should be able to get thrawns ship the next time it comes around though. What’s the strategy on beating Biggs first?
  • Biggs is the only taunt in ships.
    So your starting lineup should be ships that target lock, ideally on basic.
    Poe is good in reserves to kill tfp. Try not to attack tfp without vader or poe special because he will dodge.
    Tarkin works best with this setup.
    Ignore power and focus on synergy.