BTW: Ahsoka is a good toon for the Jedi Assault Battle up to the Mythic tier. She dispels on her basic, which allows you to bypass the incredibly annoying ShieldOvercharge buff.
For both your BroodAlpha squad and your Revan squad (once you get them), you want to be very careful about the order in which you put your team together on the screen where you're assembling for battle (and thus in your "saved squads" list).
This is because when you call a full squad assist, like Revan does and like every Geo does when under a BroodAlpha lead, the assists are called in the same order as the toons were added to the squad. For your Revan squad, this helps deal more damage (particularly on those tough Assault Battles) since you dispel the ShieldOvercharge right away, and then the remaining assists can go straight to damaging the character you're attacking, and not to whittling down a buff you could have dispelled anyway.
Note that SunFac also dispels on basic. You want the toon that dispels on basic to always be #2 in the squad, right after the leader. So for Geos, SunFac goes in the #2 slot. For Jedi under Revan it's Ahsoka. The rest don't matter too much under Revan, but for Geos the optimal order is probably
- Brood Alpha (L)
- SunFac
- GeoSoldier (inflicts TenacityDown to make the target easier to debuff)
- Geo Spy
- Poggle (to inflict Ability Block).
Note that since GeoSpy doesn't inflict a debuff on his basic, you can freely swap Spy & Poggle, but SunFac has to come first to dispel TenacityUP, then Soldier lands TenacityDown, then only after that do you want to call Poggle, since that's when Poggle has the best chance to land Ability Block.
This Geo roster order is important for doing the Padme event with the minimum possible gear (so as to get her at the earliest level possible), but it's generally the best order for any battle using Geos.