For Arena, where you only need one team:
For TW where you need two teams:
As above on defense,
Veers/Snow/Starck +2 on offense as anti-nightsister specialists.
For TB where you need to run multiple squads:
If no missions are troopers only:
Krennic (L), Veers DT Snow Starck
Thrawn Shore Storm + 2 (Tarkin, Palp, Probe Droid, Vader, TFP are all solid choices)
If there’s a Trooper only mission:
Veers/Snow/Starck/Storm or Shore (Your Choice) / Deathtrooper (if no Zeta) or Magma
Thrawn or Krennic Lead (use both though) / Shore or Storm (the other one) / Deathtrooper (if zeta) +1 or 2 to fill.