Forum Discussion

maximumbanana18's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

Best way to beat fast darth revan

So In ga... opponent has a 320 something darth revan.. at g13, I have a cls a palp and a treya team left... any way I can beat it? Don’t mind if I take all my toons to do it, just don’t want to spend an hour of it’s pointless..

Darth rev/badstilla/hk/sith troop/thrawn...
  • Ok so to update, threw my triumvirate in, did almost nothing, but did eat fracture and take a bit of protection off the other side.. then chucked in cls raid Han chewie r2 and Biggs.. lost Biggs but killed everyone else.. helped massively by sith troop aoe and everyone countering and hk doing the same.. took out badstilla first, dispelled troop and after hk aoe he went next, then thrawn then troop then that was it.. darth revan got Biggs on his last turn but everyone else was still there..
  • You could drop your own toons gear/speed or a link to your

    Its hard to know what you're dealing with otherwise.
  • @khelzac
    I’m out matched on speed.. just wondering if I can scrap through to claim the territory win points.. is me..
    Left are all my empire toons, triumvirate, cls/Han/chewy/r2...