"UnbelieverInME;c-1692794" wrote:
So, if Armor Pen is based off Defense Pen, and your defense Pen of 0 gets doubled to 0, your Armor Pen is still based off your doubled 0...which is 0.... right? So it still doesn't actually ADD anything.
Armor penetration is its own stat
basically ignore that defense penetration stat completely.
don't make it harder than it is.
physical damage is mitigated by armor
special damage is mitigated by resistance
armor penetration ignores some armor
resistance penetration ignores some resistance
if you are hell bent at looking at that defense penetration stat look at it this way
final armor/resistance penetration = base armor/resistance penetration + (base armor/resistance penetration x defense penetration%)
same way offense up works
final physical/special damage = base physical/special damage + (base physical/special damage x offense up%)