What's funny is the very first reply to the post you linked (and really the whole thread afterwards) already covered this issue in detail, literally days after it was posted. I know because I'm the one that actually wrote that reply way back then, on my old account that I lost the login details for. There was no need for you to put in the work bothering with testing and checking with people if you had just read the dang thread.
In any case, Bodhi was already barely fringe playable at the time (the only reason I was tinkering around with him a bit was because I was theorycrafting a Heroic Pit phase 1 team under Jyn lead and thought I'd see what use he might have elsewhere - we've come a long way, haha). Almost 4 years later the game has moved on even more and he's basically just trash now. There are many better choices to put with oAckbar.