7 years agoNew Adventurer
Bossk Farm
So I checked everyone's favorite third party site to see how much longer this shard farm is going to take, and it said that 1 shard per day is the expected drop without refreshes. That SUCKS. Sounds a little worse than what I've been getting, but that is really shit. That means he takes a year to 7*. Is that really what the devs wanted for him? Seems a bit ridiculous. Not to mention, means Chewbacca is a LONG ways off if it's a year to get ONE BH to 7*. This just seems a bit ridiculous, so maybe some math is off, or there are some other ways to go about this, but as far as I know, it's just the one hard node, and it generally is about 1/5 there, so... He's been at 4* for months with me farming every day, and looking at the numbers now, I'm kind of wondering if I should bother. Thoughts of just quitting the game creep back, as this is just plain ridiculous. I can't spend all my f-ing energy every day for the next 6 months (spending crystals for refreshes) just to get character shards for ONE TOON. If that's really the game, at this point, then I need to find a new game to invest in. By the time I get him there, I'll have added no gear to anyone for that long and will have sunk like a rock in all arenas and other areas of the game. And that's ONE BH. Forget that Jango comes next and is in a similar boat. So... I get Chewbacca three years from now and then start in on Ewoks. I remember the satisfaction of advancing in the game early on. Now every day it's just log in, sim everything, collect a few things, make no progress in any way, log off. Repeat. I get a few Arena battles that MIGHT be fun, but it's all really just to stay at the same rank, that's all. My gear is so heavily bottlenecked at this point, adding a piece or two a week is somehow amazing. The game is really starting to feel like, "What's the fucking point." They need to stop releasing toons that only end game players or whales can get. I've spent a fair amount of money, too, and now can only say I'll never spend another penny, as this is where it's gotten me, after a year and a half. So, yeah, this is a bit of a rant, and maybe part of this should go in General Discussion, but at the same time, the point remains that when on character shard farm is this obscene, where does it leave the game in general.