I know only OT BH are getting the rework... But all that Zam needs is a Z into his unique that makes everytime an enemy resist (or resist/cleanses better) a detonator it just exploded instead... this way a greedo/zam/dengar aoe detonator against a team with ten up would do nice damage instead of nothing (as well as some TM for greedo, or every BH under boba lead), or a detonator against ridiculus stacked tenacity in STR would do nice damage as well instead of nothing (since its a single target with high ten in sith raid those det will do some damage but only 15% TM so no infinite TM loops under boba).
This kind of Z into zam would fit so good into her kit while at the same time will punish this really OP party ten up buf... To be fair Ten up buff is one of the worst things that happened to the game, an made developers to create a lot of absurdly OP mechanics to try to fight against the forever Rex meta (without so much succes... Just check top arena in any mature shard with everyone in top 5 at his payout runing rex leader to easy climb).
Don't u guys whant ten up a bit worst? Don't u guy think rex meta lasted long enough (since his release xD)? Don't whant to see those sith eat some detonators? (I know u all want it! Lol)