Forum Discussion

Bill0207's avatar
6 years ago

Building my Sith empire squad

So like the title says I'm working on my Sith empire team. Right now I'm working on gear for my sith trooper, hk, and bastila. Revan needs 1 more g12+ piece and that's it but trying to figure out the zeta order for the team. I already have revans lead and bastila unique. So all that's left is revans 2 unique abilities and both of hk. I should be getting malak as well but he'll be a little to gear so I'll just worry about the other 4 Zetas but what the best order i should do them in. The team is viable at the moment so I'm taking into consideration which will make the team better and better til its done
  • both of revan's before any of HK's.

    I think you could be fine with not doing either of HK's. His prot up one will slow down JKR teams, but you shouldn't need it. 25% situational damage doesn't seem zeta worthy, even tho it'll pump high damage even higher

    I'd save those for Malak or just your next team
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    HK's zetas are both luxury items. The one that blocks TM vs enemies with Prot Up basically only affects GM Yoda, who you should be able to beat pretty easily anyway. The extra damage vs. Feared and Deathmarked targets ends up being overkill 90% of the time. Just finish DR and then save up for Malak.
  • Thanks guys. I guess I'll just g12 hk and be done. I'll do both revans then save for malak. Hopefully he come back soon