Forum Discussion

xGirthWormJim's avatar
4 years ago

C3PO without wicket?

As the title says really, I have l:

Paploo G11
Chief Chirpa Zeta’d G10
Ewok Elder G11 (one piece away from gear 12)
Ewok scout G10
Logray G9

Is this enough and how should I mod them as they don’t have any mods on them yet?
  • "ne_alenska;c-2237656" wrote:

    I did it with this team 2 yrs ago

    Would I have to zeta logray? Not because I don’t have the zeta but I’d rather use it elsewhere, also what are/were the mods looking like?
  • Should be doable, but it's going to be based on luck.

    Mod for high speed, and try to make Elder get as many hits in as possible for TM gains. Target him with assists, only use his specials to revive if you have dead ewoks. The zeta on Logray isn't necessary here, or at all.
  • The key of this fight is logray. impossible to end it without a good logray ( at low gear ) and get 200-220 speed everywhere