The point was never about how much you spend. I couldn't care less. Most others couldn't care less either. Why do you feel the need to justify how you spend your money? I certainly don't feel the need to justify why I spent over $1k. And when I do get trolled about it, I don't respond with some asinine remark about getting a job. Maybe people attack you on the forums about being a whale because you take every opportunity you can to flaunt what you have in an attempt to earn kudos simply for spending money. When you're not doing that you're attempting to receive validation that you're awesome at this game. Sadly, there are people here who feed that need of yours to be adored and respected in a video game
@Sikho reacted to your thread because of your thread/post history. I explained to you exactly why people react to you the way they do. Sorry if it hurts your feelings or you take offense to it. Maybe take advice from @Reyia on how to create a blog and document your progress without sounding arrogant.
Cad Bane's poor performance is well documented on these forums. Use the search feature. Here I'll even help you out:
I have a fairly developed roster as a small whale. I've been playing this game since launch. There are a lot of whales and long time veterans on this forum who haven't done half the amount of fishing for compliments that you have. I'm sure you're a great guy in real life. You certainly don't deserve hate for spending your money how you want. But on the forums, you come off as a......