Forum Discussion

TebowAttack's avatar
9 years ago

Cantina Node Farming

Hey, guys! I've been lurking around these forums for a while, now, picked up a lot of great info. So, this is my first actual post, being that I'm at the point I need some more specified information. Long term, I'm looking at making a team that is mostly scoundrel based, with an emphasis on hitting DoTs. I plan on having IG-88 lead with omega and Greedo. Past that, I need a bit of help. I'm just about to hit 7* on my Old Ben through Cantina Nodes, so next I plan on going for either Lando or Kylo, but I'm not sure who would be a better option. I see a lot of different opinions on both characters. I also need a taunter somewhere in the group, and I'm currently thinking about going with Poe, but I would also consider Fives, even though he can't taunt. That would leave with me with one other spot to fill in the squad, which I may use on Phasma, due to advantage up landing even more criticals and DoTs. What do you guys think I should do? I want to use some of the more obscure characters because I'm tired of seeing the same old squads of QGJ, Rey, RG, GS, and the other extremely common characters.
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