4 years ago
Capital Ship Tenacity?
Sometimes when I'm bored I'll just go look into random things on swgoh.gg, and today I was looking at ship stats.
If you look at defensive ship stats, you find that every Capital ship has a tenacity rating of 0.52 (which I assume means 52%) except for the Raddus which has 0.5.
Is there any way this comes into play? What ships can debuff the Capital ships that aren't unavoidable (like the Mal's Fire the Ion Canon)?
Edit: the tenacity is in %, the potency is in decimals lol
If you look at defensive ship stats, you find that every Capital ship has a tenacity rating of 0.52 (which I assume means 52%) except for the Raddus which has 0.5.
Is there any way this comes into play? What ships can debuff the Capital ships that aren't unavoidable (like the Mal's Fire the Ion Canon)?
Edit: the tenacity is in %, the potency is in decimals lol