Forum Discussion

Crendelmac's avatar
8 years ago

Casual player turned addict

Title says most of it. TL:DR version - very long time Star Wars fan and gamer. Tired of lackluster SW games and thought the appeal of a phone based SW game might be fun for a minute...

Well 3-4 months later I'm absolutely hooked, but in the meantime, I really didn't have strategy as a priority in mind. I built based on characters from the heart.

Now that I want to work toward making a more viable 'mess' out of what I have, I was hoping for some input.

I appreciate any and all help! character list
  • Umm...that link is the entire hero list, even those that aren't released? (Pao, e.g.)... :)

    That being said, you can learn a lot from browsing other folks "squad advice" threads; the advice is nearly always the same:

    1) pick a faction that has synergy, so they play on each other's strengths, e.g., Empire, Sith, Jedi, Rebels, Scoundrels, Ewoks, etc. Some toons have multiple synergy, e.g. Nihilus and Lando.
    2) aside from synergy, success is based on power level, which comes from stars, gear, level and mods
    3) Focus on maxing your select 5, then move on to other considerations e.g., event specific or mode specific characters (Credit Heist, Galactic War as respective examples).

    More specific advice can come from someone more experienced than I once they can see your collection.
  • This game is all about resource management and focus. Now that you're looking to do more than just have some fun collecting characters, you need to prioritize how best to spend your resources. Arena is one of the keys to being successful in this game as arena pays out crystals that can be used to farm for more gear. So first thing first is get your arena team right. I'm a believer that rebels is a great team to begin with because (1) they are easy to farm (2) they are easy to understand and play (3) several of them are usable in other parts of the game (ships, credit heist, AAT raid) and (4) they unlock Palpatine. So if you decide to go that route then you'll want to farm for Wedge (Leader), Biggs, Lando, ST Han, and the fifth is up to you but I see a lot of people run with Boba (also a good versatile character to have).

    The second thing is you'll always want to maximize every chance at getting resources. Always do all of your challenges and always complete Galactic War every day (or get as far as you possibly can with your roster). When ships unlock always complete those challenges too.

    The third thing to work on is a Scoundrel team for the Credit Heist. If you go with rebels then you'll already have 2 (Lando and STH). IG-88 and Boba are the next two you'll want to have and are worth investing in. The fifth toon can literally be anything, and I would recommend that you NOT sink too much resources into the fifth toon. As long as you level the first four you'll be able to beat the final tier of the credit heist eventually. Credits will become an issue for you as you further level and you'll need to be very mindful on how you spend them.

    The fourth thing to be mindful is FOCUS. The singular biggest mistake new players make is they lack focus and are unlocking every character to four stars gear V and then never seem to be able to get anywhere. Focus on a character or squad at a time and get them high leveled and far before doing research on the next character/squad to farm and gear.

    The last, but certainly not least, is go find yourself a good guild. There are guilds with already established players that don't mind taking on low level members so long as they are completing their 600 raid tickets a day. I cannot stress how important it is to find a good guild as all of the end game gear will come from guild raids and this is a good way to get a head start. You can find recruiting guilds on the separate guild page on the forums.

    Good Luck!
  • A good guild is really important. It will help make the process easier especially if you get involved in raids and can get rare material at a faster rate than your peers.

    I agree you need to focus. Pick a character, and eventually a group of characters that have good natural synergy (rebels, sith, empire, jedi, whatever) and work on that faction while picking away at a few good other toons that may work well with any group (rex, b2, etc). That will save you a lot of grief later on.

    Lastly, do not disregard fleet. You'll need it later on

    Have fun!
  • Thanks for all the feedback! It is appreciated. I've joined a more active guild and started concentrating on completing my main team as well as picking up a few pieces to complete the daily missions.

  • Well it's been 4+ months since I posted. I tried to take most advice and feel like I'm progresing with more intent. Average below 200 in arena and about 130-150 in fleet arena. I really got too focused on building my Wiggs-Chaze team and Jedis and got lazy with my empire team. (Boo-hoo!)

    Here is a good link for my characters. Feeling good about my direction, but as always, I value critique.

    Thanks again for your advice. It really helped!
  • I found that unlocking all the mod challenges were in my best interest. In the long run. Even jawas.
  • You basically get almost all the factions ready to go. It takes a lot of time but I like collecting.
  • "Ruivussan;c-1206226" wrote:
    I found that unlocking all the mod challenges were in my best interest. In the long run. Even jawas.

    This. The number one thing you can do to separate your rebels from the flock is to get some critical damage mods on them. It makes a huge difference.