2 years ago
Cere/Malicos turn order
Hi fam!
I’m close to finishing an UFU squad — Cere, Cal, ATF, Malicos, KRU will be the starting five.
Is there a consensus best turn order?
I figure Malicos should go 4th and ATF 5th, and besides that the first three shouldn’t make a huge difference. For the sake of conversation, I’d think KRU-Cal-Cere-Malicos-ATF would be strongest.
Ideally, they’d all be clocked within one speed of each other, and KRU (or the first UFU) would go directly after all five of the enemies take their turn to maximize the bonuses from Cere’s leadership.
Any and all advice is appreciated!
- Your Friendly Neighborhood Noob.
I’m close to finishing an UFU squad — Cere, Cal, ATF, Malicos, KRU will be the starting five.
Is there a consensus best turn order?
I figure Malicos should go 4th and ATF 5th, and besides that the first three shouldn’t make a huge difference. For the sake of conversation, I’d think KRU-Cal-Cere-Malicos-ATF would be strongest.
Ideally, they’d all be clocked within one speed of each other, and KRU (or the first UFU) would go directly after all five of the enemies take their turn to maximize the bonuses from Cere’s leadership.
Any and all advice is appreciated!
- Your Friendly Neighborhood Noob.