Forum Discussion

johnnycom58's avatar
3 years ago

Challenge Rancor raid

Just saying, the challenge rancor raid is ridiculously hard. When you attack with 3 GL squads and don't even get 5M damage that's OP. Need to change that so we have a chance to beat it
  • Or you can attack with one GL and earn 5-10m or more.

    Mods, strategy, and a dose of RNG.
  • It seems like an incredibly hard raid when you're first making attempts at it as a guild. But trust me your guild will go from barely completing it on your first attempt to finishing it in 4-6 hours in a matter of months
  • "LukeDukem8;c-2324533" wrote:
    ,don't bother the rewards are not worth the effort.

    Not everyone is in the same place in this game as you are.
  • It's not meant to be easy and prior to the update after initial release GLs were not as effective so it is easier than it was at release.

    Learn which team comps work best for each phase and understand the mechanics in order to get better results.

    My guild hasn't tried yet due to the r5 minimum on characters so haven't had first hand experience
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    It’s not meant to be so easy any guild can do it. Plus the primary rewards are the R8 mats so in that it’s definitely worth it..