Forum Discussion

CG_Kozispoon's avatar
8 years ago

Character Strategy- Jyn Erso

Jyn Erso

Offensive Rebel Leader who gains Advantage, Stuns enemies, revives Rebel allies and grants them Potency Up
Unlocks at: Four stars
Available from: Tournament
BASIC Attack – Press the Attack:

  • Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 40-70% (Based on Ability Level) chance to gain Advantage for 2 turns.

SPECIAL Attack – Rebel Counterattack

  • Deal Physical damage to all enemies and grant target other ally 100% Turn Meter. If any Critical Hits are scored, revive a random Rebel ally with 20% Max Health for each Critical Hit scored

SPECIAL Attack – Truncheon Strike

  • Deal Physical damage to target enemy and remove all Turn Meter. On a Critical Hit, Stun the target for 1 turn

LEADER Ability – Into the Fray

  • Rebel allies have +20-35% Potency (Based on Ability Level). Enemies that suffer debuffs during Rebel allies’ turns have a 35-50% chance to also become Exposed for 2 turns. This Expose can’t be resisted. Rebel allies recover 5% protection whenever they gain a buff.

UNIQUE Ability – Fierce Determination

  • Jyn gains 1-10% Potency (Based on Ability Level) each time she scores a Critical Hit

General Strategy

  • Jyn Erso is a unique attacker that also brings unique support elements to the team. She can gain advantage on her basic attack or bring allies back to life depending on the number of critical hits scored. She can stun targets and reduce enemies turn meter completely while gaining the amount of turn meter removed. Jyn’s unique helps her stack up potency by scoring critical hits.
  • Jyn can also be used as a leader for Rebel Squads. When she is in as the leader, all debuffs applied during a Rebel ally’s turn have a chance to also inflict Expose on the target for 2 turns, this expose is not able to be resisted. Her lead also helps rebel characters with low survivability by recovering protection whenever a buff is gained.

Hero Synergies

  • Jyn’s leader ability synergizes well with Rebel Heroes that inflict debuffs and easily gain buffs. She synergizes very well with the other Rogue One characters and Rebels that reliably inflict debuffs like Cassian.
  • While under Jyn’s lead K2-SO becomes extremely survivable due to gaining protection each time he gains his taunt. Characters like Chirrut are a great addition to a Jyn led team due to the number of Healing over Time buffs that he applies to the team.

Where to Use

  • Jyn is extremely effective in Raids. Her leader ability helps Rebel allies survive far into a raid attempt.
  • Galactic War is all about the long-game. Jyn’s special can revive dead allies equal to the amount of Critical Hits scored. Her leader also helps keep all Rebels in a healthier state from the protection gains
  • Jyn’s leader ability is extremely effective in the arena, as all of the Exposes can lead to a ton of damage.

  • @CG_Kozispoon So she can revive multiple fallen allies at once? If she is supposed to I don't think that part is working. I could have swore she only revived 1 of 2 when I tried it.
  • "scuba;862490" wrote:
    @CG_Kozispoon So she can revive multiple fallen allies at once? If she is supposed to I don't think that part is working. I could have swore she only revived 1 of 2 when I tried it.

    It prpbably depends on how many critical hits are scored. For example, 2 crits are scored then she will revive 2 defeated Rebel allies.
  • Did I just read that Jyn is great in raids? That's cool. I mean I got her during her tournament. Placed in the top 100 in both Tourneys that she was in. Netting me... the same number of stars that I had after I first unlocked her. And as far as I can tell I'm in a pretty exclusive club just having her unlocked.

    So while I'm certain she's FANTASTIC for the 20 or so people who have managed to 7* her but it would be nice if someone could provide a means for the rest of the SWGOH public to enjoy playing with Jyn.

    Until then she sits on my bench unable to participate in anything other than the occasional GW.

    PS. Great to hear she has a good synergy with K2SO. I'm on iOS.
  • "Velocitious;863640" wrote:
    "scuba;862490" wrote:
    @CG_Kozispoon So she can revive multiple fallen allies at once? If she is supposed to I don't think that part is working. I could have swore she only revived 1 of 2 when I tried it.

    It prpbably depends on how many critical hits are scored. For example, 2 crits are scored then she will revive 2 defeated Rebel allies.

    I am pretty sure I had 2 dead rebels, none executed by boba, hit 4 crits and only revived one of them
  • 2 Dead Rebels (Cassian and Chirrut)-> 3 Critical hits-> 1 Revived Rebel

    The missing opponent was General Kenobi so no one on the enemy team that prevents revives

    To me the description is:
    if it crits revive 1 random rebel ally. This revived ally will recover 20% health for each crit hit scored, which is what is happening.
  • "c00terl00ter;893091" wrote:
    With a lot of luck and a bit of skill I managed to get a 7* Jyn in a lower tournament bracket. I'm not level 85 yet, but even at G10, she allows my squad to beat first two phases of heroic Rancor.

    I'm sure everyone has hear of how good she is at rancor.

    However, I've not heard of anyone using her in her in the HAAT raid. I know only a very small percentage of players have her 7*G10/11, but for those that do, have you found a squad for her in P1/P3 where her TM could work?

    Or do you just use the already established HAAT "meta" teams and toss her in a backup squad?

    Check these out. Need Cassian also.