Forum Discussion

ddlooping2's avatar
New Spectator
3 years ago

Characters whose attacks can't be evaded?

Hi all :)

With the total madness (trying to stay polite here) that is the new "Dodge" Datacron, where can one find a list of characters with unavoidable attacks?

TIA ;)

4 Replies

  • Thanks @KarateApina, but the Datacron in question can also provide Deflection, which is the equivalent of Dodge for Special Damage :)
  • The datacrons can also give accuracy, as well as mechanics that provide accuracy up and inflict evasion down. They didn't just throw us in the deep end with crazy dodge/deflection.

    I don't think there's a list of characters with unavoidable attacks, there's a bunch. R2 and Jango both inflict unavoidable burn though, which functions the same as evasion down. Zam has an AoE Evasion Down as well. Old Ben's basic is unavoidable and also inflicts evasion down. TAC's basic also inflicts evasion down, which is nice since he assists so much, though it is avoidable.
  • Characters whos attacks cant be evaded are few and far, but one mechanic to counter it is the Burning debuff from R2 and Jango, as it sets dodge and deflection to its minimal possible value, being the base 2%. Characters also cannot dodge anything if they are stunned even with foresight up.