Forum Discussion

godgiven45's avatar
9 years ago

Counter attack team

Has anyone tried a counter attack team?
Dooku, Kylo and fives on the same team with phasma as a lead would mean you will probably attack twice as much as your opponent.
Sounds like a good ideal I was just wondering if anyone has actually tried something like this.
  • Today, I was pretty excited to use my new Yoda in GW when I saw I would finally be facing a team with Kylo. The only problem is the other team also had Dooku. It was maybe the eighth or ninth node. Ended up I couldn't steal Kylo's ability because Dooku and Kylo immediately blasted him with their counters. I guess I need to work on gearing him up as he is only GL 5 at 6* level 64, but with such low life it seems like a gimmicky move. If you can pull it off and give all of your characters retribution, then awesome. I wouldn't ever try this in the arena though.
  • "godgiven45;12905" wrote:
    Has anyone tried a counter attack team?
    Dooku, Kylo and fives on the same team with phasma as a lead would mean you will probably attack twice as much as your opponent.
    Sounds like a good ideal I was just wondering if anyone has actually tried something like this.

    FO storm trooper also csn counterattack
  • Good feed back.
    There has got to be a way to capitalize on the cuter attacks.
    Withe everyone going speed jedi teams counter attacks would seem to be the answer.
  • Have you thought about poggle? One of the problems I hear about counters is that they hit like a wet noodle. If you poggle them up, then the counter attacks hit way harder.

    I've been thinking of toying around with high hp+poggle builds once I can unlock bariss, and just say "go first, I don't care".

    Same theory may apply to counters.
  • How about Ima-Gun Di (Leader), Dooku, Fives, Kit Fisto and Ayla Secura?

    I'm a Gundi gives all Jedis a chance to counter, and Ayla and Kit already have a chance to counter on their own, so if they miss their own chance, they get a chance to counter thanks to I'm a Gunny.

    Or is having Phasma as Leader (with FO Stormtrooper replacing Kit) much more efficient in the long run?