7 years ago
Counter List for Defensive team, useful for TW
careful, long version with lot of detailed explanations.
im not in the forums so much, so adding here the link to reddit so i can hear your feedback better. https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/9rcg29/tw_counter_team_v2_the_longer_version/
and as i said there in the comments, its not all the teams that can beat, its just how to beat certain defensive teams in TW with "cheaper" teams, that make it worth, instead of overkilling with meta team or doing a mirror match.
im not in the forums so much, so adding here the link to reddit so i can hear your feedback better. https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/9rcg29/tw_counter_team_v2_the_longer_version/
and as i said there in the comments, its not all the teams that can beat, its just how to beat certain defensive teams in TW with "cheaper" teams, that make it worth, instead of overkilling with meta team or doing a mirror match.